Medical artificial intelligence is the assistant of the doctor

  To solve human health problems, we must not only have technical support, but also humanistic care. Artificial intelligence to diagnose diseases only needs to be justified, and doctors need to show love and care.

  Recently, the world's first neuroimaging artificial intelligence "human-machine war" held a final in Beijing, artificial intelligence beat the top experts in the field of neuroimaging by 20% higher accuracy.The computer defeated the human brain, although it was expected, it also triggered a hot discussion.

  In recent years, medical artificial intelligence has developed rapidly. Artificial intelligence is the integrator of human "the strongest brain" and is naturally smarter than a single brain.When diagnosing a disease, the human brain is affected by factors such as energy, mood, and environment, while artificial intelligence is consistent, calm, and has super stability.However, this does not mean that artificial intelligence will transcend the human brain. After all, the machine is a machine. No matter how advanced artificial intelligence is, it is designed by the human brain. It is impossible to be more intelligent than human beings.Artificial intelligence is an extension of the human brain, and its main function is to serve humans. For example, there is a shortage of talents in neuroimaging physicians in China, and clinicians are under great pressure.The emergence of neuroimaging artificial intelligence can replace the doctor to complete the initial screening and judgment of the disease, free the doctor from the heavy and simple labor, and concentrate on dealing with difficult and serious diseases.At the same time, artificial intelligence can help grassroots doctors improve the diagnostic accuracy, so that doctors at different levels can achieve homogenization, and minimize misdiagnosis.

  Artificial intelligence not only has " great memory" but also deep learning ability. In other words, robots can become smarter by self-learning and learning from experience. However, medical artificial intelligence also has a "soft rib".For example, in the field of disease that has been agreed upon, artificial intelligence is more than sufficient; in the field of disease without consensus, artificial intelligence is ability falling short of its wishes.Because artificial intelligence relies too much on data, it lacks the ability to adapt. The data is dead, people are alive, and even if the symptoms are the same, the disease may not be the same.Medicine is a science of uncertainty and does not pursue absolute standard answers because people do not get sick according to textbooks.When patients have very specific conditions, especially when the disease is not typical, doctors often need to be based on long-term clinical experience.By consulting the medical history, observing symptoms and other auxiliary methods, individualized accurate diagnosis can be carried out, and the data cannot be used to draw conclusions. It can be seen that the "intelligence" of artificial intelligence is also limited.

  Some people worry that some doctors will be replaced by medical artificial intelligence in the future. Indeed, artificial intelligence can replace or even eliminate certain occupations in the future, but the most unlikely thing to replace is the profession that cares for people.Medicine is about human science. It focuses not only on people's diseases, but also on people who are sick. Physiological problems often also bring psychological problems.Artificial intelligence does not obey the view, nor does it comfort the people, and cannot satisfy the emotional needs of human beings.Only a doctor can perceive the patient's suffering and give appropriate help and comfort.Medical artificial intelligence can only read data and films, while doctors can understand people's emotions. Therefore, medical artificial intelligence and doctors are fundamentally different.

  Man is the most complicated life in the world. To solve human health problems, we must not only have technical support, but also humanistic care.Artificial intelligence to diagnose diseases only needs to be justified, and doctors need to show love and care.Therefore, no matter how advanced technology is, the profession of doctors will not be replaced by artificial intelligence.